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Trucking is an industry with vast potential and it is supported by 3.36 million professional truck drivers. Unfortunately, professional truckers have suffered from unfair and unrealistic stereotypes. Given this and a difficult work schedule, this has led to the driver’s shortage. In addition, the trucker profession is not very popular among the younger generation. Despite this, a trucking career can be really profitable. What are some of the top tips to ensure success in the trucking industry?
Being a company driver offers a lot of benefits like frequent loads, health insurance coverage, company equipment, support, etc. What does it take to be a successful truck driver?
Be organized. As a truck driver, you should understand that delivering on time is vital. The entire supply chain on a large scale will depend on your work. In addition, it is important to always fill out all the necessary documentation on time like pre-trip and post-trip inspection logs, bill of lading (BOL), proof of delivery (POD), etc.Â
Be responsible for your truck and trailer. Of course, the trucking company is in charge of truck and trailer maintenance, but the trucker has to take care of his equipment too. Especially when we talk about safe operations. It will show how seriously you take your job. At the same time, it is equally important to care for the loads you get to haul.Â
Communicate with dispatch. The relationship between truck drivers and dispatch can often be stressful. However, it is important to learn how to find a common ground in any conflict, because without it you will not be able to succeed in the trucking industry. Good communication is vital for truck drivers because ​​a lot of your business depends on dispatch.
Improve customer service skills. You are the face of the company, so it is really important to be professional, friendly, and polite with shippers and receivers.Â
Make safety a number one priority. Truckers who make safety their top priority are most desired in the trucking industry. You help not only yourself but also your employer. The logistic companies with a good CSA score have lower insurance premiums, fewer DOT audits and roadside inspections, and a better reputation. But most importantly, this is how you protect yourself and take care of your family.
Being a professional driver is not enough to be a successful owner-operator. Now you are a businessman and you need to look at your work from this point of view. Therefore, in addition to all of the above, you also need to add the need to manage your fuel cost, estimate your fixed and variable costs, know your rates, care about fuel efficiency, and deal with routine documentation and bills.Â
What’s more, your equipment is now entirely your responsibility: from choosing the right truck and trailer to maintaining them. Should you choose a new or used truck? Should you use the leasing program? How often does your equipment need to be serviced? You will have to find answers to these questions on your own and be responsible for making decisions. But there is a huge advantage to this – now you are your own boss! BTW if you don’t want to waste your time on paperwork, our Back Office Solutions are ready to help you.
If you want to be a successful independent contractor, it is important to collaborate with trusted logistics companies. Owner Operator Land can give you this chance. We cooperate with numerous trucking companies that are gladly working with owner-operators. They provide regular loads and high percentage pay. If you are interested in such an opportunity, please apply here.Â
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