
how to become a hotshot driver scaled 1

How to Become a Hotshot Driver

What is hotshot driving? In cargo transportation, promptness and safety are the benchmarks of quality and professionalism. These benchmarks become increasingly significant when it comes to hotshot trucking – a special, complicated form of trucking in which drivers haul special, time-sensitive equipment that requires quick delivery, using a pickup truck and a flatbed trailer.  Most..

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largest trucking companies

What Is Over-the-Road Trucking?

The transportation industry is as rich and fruitful as to give truckers an abundance of opportunities for choosing what sector they want to work in this same industry. When you enter the logistics universe, you can be a local driver, regional driver, hotshot driver, and an over-the-road driver. There’s another form of trucking that is..

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Owner Operator Land Monthly Trucking News Digest #125

Researches: Routine Driving Exposes Truckers to Micro-Stressors Daily commute can be stressful for drivers even if the driving conditions are impeccable – this is the conclusion reached by a team of Texas-based scientists. Their study was based on a joint project between the University Houston and the Texas A&M Transportation Institute, where the researchers conducted..

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how much do truck drivers make

How Much Do Truck Drivers Make?

The trucking industry allures people who fancy dynamic adventure and good money. Drivers who opt for the profession in this industry are introduced to a variety of outstanding perks some jobs fail to offer: mesmerizing sunset drives, non-stop music blasting on the go, and, most notably, competitive salaries! How much do truck drivers make? What..

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owner operator land monthly trucking news digest 124

Owner Operator Land Monthly Trucking News Digest #124

Home Delivery Is Beginning to Surrender to Parcel Lockers in Europe We are approaching the fuel emission shortage at lightning speed – vendors have lately suggested that parcel lockers are predicted to squeeze out home delivery. It’s believed that the home delivery method, once extremely popular and convenient on the continent, has begun losing its..

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owner operator land navigating fluctuating fuel costs in 2023 tips

Navigating Fluctuating Fuel Costs in 2023: Tips for Owner Operators

The year 2023 is now driving people into turbulence, not only with the terror shaking the geopolitical arena. There’s another well-known challenge no one is going to skip through – fluctuating costs. One of the industries standing on the front lines to take a punch from this challenge is the trucking business. Fleet owners are..

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