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Owner operator land weekly trucking news digest #98

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In This Article
28 August, 2021 | Written by Owner Operator Team

Safety Tips for Professional Truck Drivers

Life on the road can be dangerous. And the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about self-defense is weapons. But the best way to protect yourself is to avoid situations in which guns can be used. In this post, you will find some tips that will help you to stay safe on the road.

Double-brokering experience

Have you ever encountered double brokering? It is a process when a broker passes their freight off to another broker rather than the motor carriers themselves. In this video, Jimmy Nevarez tells about his experience of a double-brokering scheme that the carrier was trying to realize.

How is the trucking industry dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic?

The trucking industry, like the rest of the world, is having a hard time adapting to the new realities caused by the coronavirus pandemic. More than a year ago, the national economy grinds to a halt. Many truckers have been fired. But since the situation has more or less stabilized, logistics companies have suffered from a shortage of drivers. What other challenges the trucking industry has faced and how it is dealing with them, read in this post.

Live map with the most dangerous locations for commercial vehicles

Omnitracs data scientists have created “Google Maps for truckers.” It can even calculate all the hazardous places per 1,000 miles of state roads. Read more about this new helpful navigation app and the most dangerous locations in the US here.

A violent hurricane could hit the Gulf Coast in the coming days and cause truck trouble

Be careful if you plan to go to New Orleans or Louisiana any time soon. The tropical storm Ida is expected to cause trouble along the Gulf Coast this weekend and into next week. Read more about it and a Pacific Coast storm, Nora, here. 

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