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Owner operator land weekly trucking news digest #74

chevrolet in the snowy forest
In This Article
26 February, 2021 | Written by Owner Operator Team

New solution that can help truckers with sleep apnea

Truckers with sleep apnea suffer from breathing disruption so they can’t enter deep sleep. Thus, the driver cannot rest well and, of course, this affects their attentiveness and caution while driving. New nasal stents could be a promising solution for truckers with this problem. Read more about this simple medical device here.

Joe Biden orders review of US supply chains

President Joe Biden insists that the American people should never face shortages in the goods and services they rely on. That’s why he signed an executive order on Wednesday directing a broad review of American supply chains for critical products. This order also directed a review in six sectors to identify potential supply chain weaknesses, including transportation. For more information read this CNN post. 

New song for truckers’ playlist

Actor and musician John Schneider has been creating pro-trucker music and movie content for years. And he recently debuted a new song “Truck On”. It’s inspired by the heroic efforts of America’s truck drivers during the pandemic. You can hear it here. 

Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse and how it impacts your driving career

FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse is in its second year but it already took an important role in every trucker’s life. From this post, you will know more about the work of this clearinghouse and what to do if you are an owner-operator. 

Tips on how your trucking business can handle an unexpected challenge

It is not possible to foresee everything that can go wrong. But every fleet owner should have something like a “disaster plan”. COVID-19 pandemic, bad weather conditions, and other challenges should be in this plan. More tips on how to assess your risks and prepare for different situations can be found here.

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