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Owner operator land weekly trucking news digest #69

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In This Article
22 January, 2021 | Written by Owner Operator Team

The riskiest states for trucking fleets in 2020

Every year Lytx issues the State of the Data report based on the information from fleets of all sizes and types within the trucking industry. According to this report, California is the riskiest state for trucking operations. In this post, you can find the top 5 areas in the U.S. that had the highest concentration of risk along with the riskiest days and times and trends in risky driving behaviors.

First Lady Melania Trump thanks truckers

Truckers are playing a huge role in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. And First Lady Melania Trump did not forget to thank them in her farewell speech on Monday, January 18. Read the speech and watch the video here.

COVID-19 vaccine for truckers

Back in December, transportation workers were next in line to receive the COVID-19 vaccine after Phase 1a. However, they have now been moved to “other essential workers” to receive the vaccine in Phase 1c. This post will help you understand the situation. 

The tanker driver was named a Highway Angel for preventing collision

Morgan Kirkland, a tanker trucker from Florida, was named a Highway Angel by TCA for his skill in preventing a deadly head-on collision while transporting highly flammable methanol. Read more about this accident here. 

COVID ‘long-hauler’ truckers’ experience

‘Long-hauler’ name was borrowed from the world of trucking. Now it is used to describe people who are struggling for a long time with the consequences of COVID-19 after recovery. Read real stories of truckers here. 

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