Owner Operator Land Weekly Trucking News Digest #22

Truck for a hero section
Written by Owner Operator Team

Cargo Theft Statistics Goes Down

According to SensiGuard, cargo theft decreased across the US.

You can check out the statistics in this post.

GATS Will Have Even More Trucks

Good news for everyone who decided to visit GATS this year. The list of new trucks that will be shown next week has increased.

Here you can view the whole list with pics.

New HOS Regs Are Finally Here

We’ve been waiting for them and now they are here. FMCSA finally unveiled new HOS rules.

You can check out them here.

What Should You Do When Stopped by Highway Patrol

Check out this post with right tips and advice on how to behave in such a situation.

Healthy Tips on How Staying Cool in Summer

This post has some useful advice on how to keep yourself and your truck cool during the summer heat.