Owner Operator Land Monthly Trucking News Digest #123
Go Green with Cargo Bikes
According to research made by British scientists, switching from diesel vans to bicycles would largely eliminate fuel emissions, saving taxpayers $5 billion. Drivers from across the world are making a big move towards electric vehicles, but a much simpler and more efficient method of cutting emissions is opting for bicycles. Read more.
UPS Masters VR to Prevent Road Accidents Among Truckers
UPS takes up investing in “smart” driving with the aim of modernizing and enhancing operator safety driving. Since operating a parcel delivery van often poses a threat to driver safety, it’s a good solution to help owner-operators get properly prepared for the challenges lurking around the corner. UPS Inc., a household name transportation and supply chain management company, has implemented VR practices for their drivers to “face” possible road hazards before actually getting there. Through using driving and delivery simulators, the company lets drivers experience a fully immersive road trip in order to learn how to overcome challenges in the physical dimension. Read more.
“Coming Clean:” Demand for Clean Engines Is Growing Fast
The regulations for fuel emission reduction have become more rigid lately, which is prompting transportation companies to adopt unprecedented and eco-friendly solutions. The growth in the popularity of electric vehicles is maintaining its intensity and steadfulness, with clean transportation legislation becoming more and more elaborate and resolute. For more information, read here.
States That Witness Most Crashes
Upon studying the data obtained from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Simplex, a transportation company, determined which states have featured the biggest number of fatal accidents with trucks involved. The aim of the study was to juxtapose the percentage of large vehicles that were involved in fatal crashes to that of all the other vehicles involved in crashes per state. For more information, follow the link.
Preventing a Truck Crash From Becoming a Catastrophe
Truck accidents are inevitable to happen, no matter how cutting-edge and robust the technology powering the vehicle may be. However, it’s possible to eschew dramatic consequences that may follow an accident. Fleet managers can be trained to prepare for a possible accident through the practice called up-front motor carrier preparation. To find out more, follow the link.